Festival Wear- Coachella Edition

We all know Coachella fest is not only famous for the outstanding music performances and for hosting one of the largest interactive art displays in the world, year after year. Coachella has slowly, but strongly, developed its own fashion sense and "rules," which add excitement to the festivities.

This was my first year attending the festival, but since I moved to Palm Springs last summer, I've been living the desert life thousands of people look forward to enjoy at least once a year - I'm very lucky! The festival style presented at Coachella by all attendees - mainly bloggers- is strongly influenced by the desert as a scenario, its climate, and the amazing native american history that characterizes the territory. Considering my living experience, I consider myself to be almost  an expert on the subject 🙂

When attending any music festival, I recommend you make comfort a priority. Is very likely that you'll be standing for long periods of time, sitting on the floor, and walking the whole day - so think comfort! Thats why I chose to wear active (or sport) tights with a breathable long-line shirt and very comfortable sneakers. Because I understand desert climate, where temperatures drop drastically at night,  I added a retro inspired bumber jacket to my look. In terms of accessories, regardless of your gender, I highly recommend that you bring a small bag (cross-body, hand, or what you prefer) to keep all you personals in one place. It will be very hard for you to find any lost items among so many people in such huge space. Now.. be ready to dance, scream, and have a great time. If going by yourself, don't hold back - get loose, meet new people, and be safe!

Until next time,


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